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Custom Printing: A Labor of Love (Labor Day Blog)

As we say goodbye to summer and prepare to welcome autumn, many of us are looking forward to a nice three-day weekend. Labor Day is a national holiday celebrated by Americans nationwide. However, there are many people who don’t know the history behind the holiday.

A Labor Day History Lesson

In the late 1800s, at the height of the Industrial Revolution in the United States, the average American worked 12-hour days and seven-day weeks just to make ends meet. So, it should come as no surprise that in the late nineteenth century, labor activists pushed for a federal holiday to recognize the many contributions workers have made to America's strength, prosperity, and well-being. In 1894 it became official.

In addition to paying tribute to the many achievements of those who clocked-in day in and day out, Labor Day weekend has become a symbol of the change in seasons. Celebrated with parties, parades, picnics (and some good shopping deals), it is a time to show gratitude for the time and effort of others while taking a moment to take a break from the hamster wheel that life can sometimes become.

The Proof Is In The Print

The Harmonic culture embraces admirable work ethic and dedication to the craft while encouraging camaraderie and authentic fun. In our humble opinion, we’ve created a business environment that pays homage to the meaning behind Labor Day while recognizing the importance of achieving an overall sense of fulfillment in life.

In every project we’ve completed and every service we offer, you’ll be able to sense the innate passion and dedication that sets Harmonic apart from other custom printing companies. It’s taken a lot of blood, sweat and ink to get us to where we are today — and we wouldn’t trade it for anything. This Labor Day we want to take a moment to recognize those who worked tirelessly to make a living for themselves and their families. And let’s hope we all have the ability to pave a career path that brings us success AND joy.

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